SS = $$

are you ever wondering
why the United States
this country that has not already yet a real name indeed
as Jean-Luc Godard amused himself to tell
why do they use a $ as symbol of the dollar
it is called Dollar
in Europe we use € E double biffed for Euro
in Japan they use Y double biffed for Yen
the L Livre Sterling is double biffed
and you use S double biffed for Dollar and not a D ?

one answer :
before settlers get their independance
and create United States
they used the currency money installed by Spanish in Mexique
and on the most current peso's coin
are represented 2 columns
as symbol of the 2 columns that support the world
in the ancient representation of the known world
Spanish link the 2 columns with a ribbon
in which they inscribe 
Nec Plus Ultra
that means Nothing Above (US)
they wanted to install their ascendancy
but on this coin 
the ribbon is too little
and around the columns seems to be as 2 snakes
that are Dollars
$ are 2 snakes 
which actually are stuffing one's two columns that are supporting the world
and as regard as economy is no more based on work
but economy is based on speculation
it only needs to take the Nietzsche's hammer
toc toc on the columns
we can hear it sounds hollow
toc toc
it sounds virtual
toc toc
this world crumbles
and as greek philosopher Democrite
we may make up one's mind to laugh
obviously the meaning of the triple A

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